Northern welfare safaris

2814 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - will the Pizza Hard Man Darren Atwater be deported to Canada after test fail?

The pizza hardman took a test to see if he can stay in the UK and avoid deportation to the socialist hell hole that is Canada. I give you one of the questions whuch had me stumped since in part it depends on whether you live in the hard working South or the Northern welfare safaris. Then I answer a question on forward selling and another listener question on whether Sirius Minerals (SXX) is cheap. Then it is onto Harvest Minerals, (HMI), Iofina (IOF), Alba (ALBA) and the Jim Mellon joke that is SalvaRx (SALV) which I have covered in full HERE. Finally I am working on exposing an AIM listed company which has been engaging in industrial scale bribery. I hope to run the story tomorrow. Can you guess the company? Suggestions in the comments section below. Ho Ho Ho.


2910 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 3 China frauds, Golden Saint scam and Jim Mellon's Port Erin

I start with more news on frigana cutting. I am a sweaty wreck after a day of mega slashing as I "take it out" on various folks in the City. Then I cover Asian Citrus (ACHL), Jiasen (JSI) and Taihua (TAIH) before I move onto Johnny Hon and R4E (R4E) then the scams and scum at Golden Saint Resources (GSR) - why won't PR fecking genius Steffi tell us about her shares? Then it is onto doomed Outsourcery (OUT) and then, as we expect more news tonight on Uramin, I ask a few questions about Port Erin (PEBI) another vehicle of my friend Jim Mellon. Oh and there is bad news for a company trying hard to bring jobs and wealth to the grim Northern welfare safaris, DX Group (DX). Moral of the story, let them rot, stick to doing business in the hard working South.
